#cacaodeidiomas_christmas_spirit I think that this Christmas activity is exactly what I needed, as it has three components that I really like: Christmas, J.R.R.Tolkien and Derek Jacobi. Therefore, without any hesitation I decided to participate, although having planned to listen "Letters from Father Christmas" in Christmas Eve. I love Professor's books, his attention to the details and his generosity in creation of new worlds and creatures. Of course, that book is not an exception. Each letter brings you something magical, every detail in the letters and drawings helps to get deeper and to feel better the spirit of that time of year. I can almost see the children waiting each year for Father Christmas letters and replying him afterwards. It is a brilliant idea and I would love to receive these letters too. My favorite character is Karhu, the Polar Bear. He seems to be pretty funny and mischievous. I bet Father Christmas spends great time with him. And his signature GREAT (Polar) BEAR is one of the best, I think, as it totally represents him. The drawing I loved is the one from the 1926. The Northern lights are beautiful, although remind a little bit a peacock´s tale. The image of Father Christmas chasing his sleigh is wonderful and priceless. In addition, you can see the result of Big Bang at the North Pole: four moons and frightened stars. The whole story is told in that drawing, that´s why I liked it so much. In addition,I have found several words that were unfamiliar or whose meaning I forgot. Here they are: to be cross with – сердиться на… to mend – чинить reins – поводья, вожжи to toss – бросать, швырять to curl up – скручивать; поразить; помирать со смеху hearthrug – коврик перед камином to smudge – загрязнять gale – шторм tatters – клочья, лохмотья fountain pen - авторучка muddle – путаница, неразбериха

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